Monday, November 24, 2008

Men are Idiots.

It is 6:40 in the morning and I have just gotten back from the grocery story. I ran out of almost $50 worth of cleaning things, which only proves to me that, in fact, I DO clean. I have me a little list for the week and here is today's little bunch of chores

  • Make bed
  • Clear off night stand
  • Laundry-all of it, washed, folded,hung and PUT away (piling it on the kitchen table doesn't count
  • Bathrooms-all five-CLEAN like for surgery. Boiling water and bleach
  • Kitchen table-Scrub. Oil. Runner,. Centerpiece.
  • Counters. Clear and bleached.
  • Sinks. Likewise
  • Floors. Ditto
  • Vaccum.
  • Downstairs-dust and oil
  • Laundry room and pantry
  • Stairs-vac and scrub banister. Scrub and Oil wood.
  • Leave bathroom counter EMPTY. Clear out drawers.
  • Meeting at 1300 at the nursing home with MomBulleted List
This came out of the sulk (which is the best I can categorize it from this weekend.) Mike wanted to go to Utah to see Keri...which is a great thing. I'd like to go too, only HE NEVER MENTIONED IT TO ME. My mother is in the hospital/nursing home. I have my hands full.

He wanted to go to Arizona to see his folks. I'D LIKE TO GO TOO, except I have my hands full here. AND HE NEVER MENTIONED IT TO ME.

We are entered in the Christmas Parade on Friday. Again, he never mentioned it to me.

I came home on Friday and told him that the OCE had offered me overtime for "all" of December and January (I only work 10 days in December (he immediately got sulky whe I told him I'd be working until 10 at night...because who would fix him dinner?)
In fact, last night, we went to be after devouring a carton of ice cream and he said he sure hoped he didn;t wake up hungry in the night because

WE HADN'T HAD DINNER. Obviously, famine was snapping at our heels. The end of the world was fast approaching.

WE HAD SNACKED ALL DAY. WE HAD ICE CREAM. BUT I HADN'T ACTUALLY FIXED HIM DINNER. No matter that he was less than ten feet from the kitchen all day long. no matter that he could have ASKED for something at any moment. AND NO MATTER THAT I AM NOT A FUCKING MIND READER.

He just wanted to go to bed all sulky and ill used.
So I let him.
Went to sleep and slept the sleep of the just because I did no wrong. I have xx chromosomes.
I can DO no wrong.

So I am spending my vacation cleaning the house. Because being busy all day is the ONLY revenge.


PERBS said...

I'd say put me down on your list for cleaning houses but you might throw out all my "goodies" so guess I will have to pass on that for now.

Anonymous said...

Do men ever actually grow up or are they arrested infants for life?

Novel said...

You didn't make his dinner...LOL! His Christmas Present this year has to be a cook book "Easy meals for men to cook".