Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thank God for my husband, my children and my friends

There are people who take the heart out of you,
and there are people who put it back.

~ Elizabeth David

The rest of my relatives, not so much.

Yesterday, I was accused of attempting to steal my mother's wedding ring. This is the same wedding ring she begged me to take so it wouldn't be lost at the nursing home. This is was the same day she begged me to call Judy because she thought she was dying. She knew who I was then.

I guess what I am fighting is giving her up and I'm just going to have to get over it. She doesn't know me. At least she thinks I'm Marie Jones and I guess that is a blessing.

That Marie must have been one wonderful woman.

My Da thought the world of her, too.

Me, not so much.,


PERBS said...

I am so sorry that you have to go through this. . .

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kathleen Kae. Margaret and I love you.