Saturday, October 27, 2007

October 2007 Saturday Skies

October 27 2007
From the back porch steps
This was the week that souther California erupted with wildfires from San Diego to Ventura. The sky driving in last night was full of the dark smoke cloud hiding the moon. Today, it rained and rained and rained. (The black line is a power line I've never noticed!)

This one in the middle t is October 20, 2007. The Santa Ana winds were whipping up the waters and the white "fog" you see is the spray from the waves crashing on the breakwater.

October 13, front yard
Judy and Gene came out from Provo to visit, so we stayed home.

October 6, 2007
Wow! Isn't it beautiful? This is at the marina, where the boat is docked.

1 comment:

Paulie said...

Today we had a beautiful blue sky like the 4th one.