Sunday, March 09, 2008

Weekend photos

I went out to the country about three years ago and dragged back to entire heaping pickup loads of unknown bulbs, notched and planted them. Most of them were daffodils and paper whites, which I have since dug up and planted in the front. I have a little over an acre of yard and it is humungous to tend to. I like to mess about when the weather is fair and the weeds are few.

I love gardening in the spring and fall, when the weather is nice. I like gardening year round over in Morro Bay. It is the winter and summer in Kings County I don't like. In the summer, we hit murderous triple weeks of +110. The winters? Cold, wet, foggy. Miserable. So icky that we go to the coast every chance we can. The weather there is an absolute flip of the weather here, except with mild temps.

Here's the honeysuckle that I'm planting in the beds that surround the front of the house. I need something that will fill up the beds and not crawl into the stonework.

Here are samples of my shade garden. Hostas, snowdrops, violets, ferns and camellias. It is always shady alongside this walkway, so these take care of themselves. They are a welcome sight in February, when looks everything else is dead and overgrown.

I tried to keep everything in the shade garden white, green and violet...I have wild violets running wild and am trying to get them to take over most of that bed. The shade garden is right next to the koi pond.

Then I have the big vegetable garden..winter weeding, of course. All the fish pond water goes into the garden. I'm moving my potting table to underneath the old clothes line....grapes vines go on that this week. (I need SOME shade!)

I had it fixed for automatic watering this winter...I can never remember when to water and end up forgetting and letting the whole garden burn up. So weeding is still to be done there and then the tidy planting. Home grown vegetables are so much better and rushing off to the market to try to find something.

1 comment:

Paulie said...

Sounds like you have it all planned out!