Sunday, November 11, 2007

I can knit!!

You can't imagine how hard it has been to try and try and try and end up with a mess of dropped, crossed tangled up stitches. Imagine a dozen wet cats and a two year old with forks in your knitting...that is what it looked like. Couldn't even manage a swatch becuase it involved to much counting and a modicom of skill...neither of which I could find in my brain.

All I got was that pesky 404 (file not found) error message.

Well, today. obviously which every corrupted files in my head uncorrupted themselves.

I feel just like Abbs on NCIS.


Paulie said...

I am glad things are getting better. I learned to crochet dishcloths and am having trouble keeping the edges straight -- it means i can't count! lol

Novel said...

That's a real breakthrough! Good for you. You'll be back to the never-ending yellow things before you know it ;o)