Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

Shopped on Tuesday at 6 am. We were in and out in under an hour. Lisi got everythign together last night, brined the turkey in kosher salf and brown sugar in a deep sink filled with ice water. She is steaming the gizzards and livers, onions, carrots, bok choy and stripped celery t be minced and put into the stuffing (bigg stuffing family here). All the baking is done and except for popping in the cresant rolls, it is all done.

We are seting the table, doing a quick hoovering of the up and downstairs, dump bleach in all the toilets and lock the animals outside.

That is pretty much all of it.

This is our favorite hokiday....totally food centered. No gifts to disappoint.


Paulie said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Chloe and family!

I heated up my spiral ham and baked a yam. Had a pomegrante for desert.


Paulie said...

I meant dessert. . . lol


Cambria said...

Thanksgiving is a fav in my house too! Alex didn't go for the mashed potatoes, though. He's strange. ;)