Sunday, March 25, 2007

The best blog ever

Thoughtful and funny and spot on about raising children...and worrying about what if your best isn't near good enough and what about other people? Will they be kind to your offspring because all offf spring need to be treated with kindness or will they be as jerky to children as they are to the rest of mankind?

Yarn A GO GO is sttll number one on my list, followed by TANGLED STRING but this new one is almost like reading poetry about one's own life.

1 comment:

Paulie said...

OMG, you found your password!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurrah!

I will have to check out that blog you recommended.

Good to have you back!

Paulie . . . who is going to go read yet another post you did today!

PS Did you change the color of the background of your blog?